- Ormond Local Pulse
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- Wilmette Land Purchase
Wilmette Ave Land Purchase Comments
✔YES Comments
“Too much development going on. we need the green space !!!”
“Good for the enviornment. ”
“Any attempt to secure property for green space/flood control purposes will always have a more positive impact in Ormond beach than being developed for a commercial interest. ”
“We need to leave areas for wildfife and natural vegetation, - as well as flood control ”
“YES, we need more green spaces and we need to hold onto all all available green spaces”
“We need to save as much Wetland type property as possible. Not fill ii in and build some more un-needed condo etc.”
“We need more green space since over development is ruining our area.”
“We have got to stop excess building in order to preserve our land and animals. We have too much flooding and not enough sense to see how it is ruining Florida. ”
“Much better suited for nature preservation than more homes. There are enough people here we need to have a place for nature to arrive”
“This is a smart proactive move to help alleviate flooding that has and is predicted to continue to occur. The City and the County should take stock immediately of all undeveloped land that could potentially be used for flooding mitigation.”
“Proactive purchase!!”
“Most definitely Ormond Beach should purchase that property.”
“Please don't build anything.”
“i have owned a house on cumberland ave for over 30 years the first 20 years i never saw any issues with flooding but for the last 10 years i have to spend days preparing not only for just hurricanes but when there is a high tide my property gets half full of water its a threat to my family and our neighbors and the city knows all about this area and hasnt done anything to combat it for us taxpaying citizens i have videos and pics if anyone is interestedd in helping this matter. So i dont know if it would help but it sure cant hurt. ”
“We need more area like this to counteract the huge loss of trees in this area.Hopefully it won't go to developers to put up their overpriced ticktock condos built by the lowest builder and likely to collapse in one of ever more frequent, more powerful hurricanes.Or just leave the darned woods alone!”
“If anything is built on this property or other open parcels in the area, it will make the flooding worse for the FPL power station on Sterthaus and Orchard. It sits flooded for days after heavy rain (and we all are left without power). PLEASE, no more development in this area unless it relieves the flooding of the power station.”
“Any land that the city can buy to reduce flooding and Not have more building or development is a Yes”
“This is a win-win decision!”
“Good for the environment. Good for all the wildlife that call that space home including deer. Please stop allowing Ormond Beach to be destroyed. Please stop tearing down trees to make way for more unsightly apartments and fast food. ”
“Win all the way around ”
“Stop the flooding or there will be no properties. People will move away.”
“Yes ! ”
“Any stop gap in more building in Ormond is good.”
“The city already foolishly spends money. The extravagant amount of money spent on the palm tree lights at Christmas and the statutes around the city. The money spent on a two hundred thousand dollar city manager and the money spent on two assistant city managers. We need to hold the commissioners to a standard of saving tax payers money not blowing through it. Maybe someone needs to do a story on this topic.”
“Yes and look for others. This part of the city has water issues. ”
“We need to preserve this green space and more both for flood control and more!”
“This is exactly the type of proactive planning that our comissioners should be doing. It is what separates us from other governments.”
🚫 NO Comments
“The city already foolishly spends money. The extravagant amount of money spent on the palm tree lights at Christmas and the statutes around the city. The money spent on a two hundred thousand dollar city manager and the money spent on two assistant city managers. We need to hold the commissioners to a standard of saving tax payers money not blowing through it. Maybe someone needs to do a story on this topic.”